Hi there! I'm PM. Stands for Putri Maura. Eighteen. 161 cm tall and 50++kg weigh. Welcome to my blog ;)

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Happy Halloween
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Sunday, October 31, 2010 { 3 comments }

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night

This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright

It's our town, everybody scream
In this town of Halloween

I am the one hiding under your bed
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red
I am the one hiding under your stairs
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!

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Ganteng Vs Jelek
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Thursday, October 28, 2010 { 2 comments }
Yah abis ketemu artikel lucu Cantik Vs Jelek, di post kali ini bakal membahas Ganteng Vs Jelek. Happy R&R ! :)

kalo cowok ganteng bersedih hati, cewek bilang : let me be your shoulder to cry on
kalo cowok jelek bersedih hati, cewek bilang : yaelah cengeng amat. lelaki bukan lu!

kalo cowok ganteng males difoto, cewek bilang : pasti takut fotonya disebar-sebar
kalo cowok jelek males difoto, cewek bilang : pasti ga tega ngeliat hasilnya

kalo cowok ganteng penyayang binatang, cewek bilang : perasaanya lembut dan penuh cinta kasih
kalo cowok jelek penyayang binatang, cewek bilang : sesama sodara harus saling menyayangi.

kalo cowok ganteng jomblo, cewek bilang : pasti dia perfeksionis
kalo cowok jelek jomblo, cewek bilang : udah jelas banget. ga laku.
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Twilight in Pet Society
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Wednesday, October 27, 2010 { 2 comments }

Have you ever play Pet Society on Facebook..? It's funny to know that the game used Edward Cullen and Bella Swan as vampire's wig models at the shop. Kinda weird but it's cool ! O.o

I love playing this cute game. And..  I am a Twilight fan.
So... here I am in a big-big-grin !!  :D
Click here for details.

The main of the game is : we have to care a cute pet who has we designed before. We play as this pet.  And.. we have to make them alive. Just like giving some foods, clothes, put some furnitures in their room, change the room, plant some flowers/vegetables or trees at the garden and wait in couple of days to harvest. Another option is: we ( I mean as a pet ) can have a little cute 'pet'. So I call it pet-in-pet game. :)

 Edward and Bella

P.S I didn't see Jacob Black around in Pet Society website. 'Cuz I guess it's a Halloween full of vampires week. I just wanna say: GOODBYE werewolves !! I'll miss you sooooooo much. I wish, there will be a werewolves week and I'll collect all things about Jacob Black ! :3


Music is My Life
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Sunday, October 24, 2010 { 1 comments }
I love songs, musics and bands. But I can't play any music instrument. Hahah.. Listening to them is so much easier.

Just mention it.
Clarinet..? maybe I'll play it like Squidward Tentacles >.<
Guitar..? nope. I wish I can.
Piano or Keyboard..? nor of them.
Drum..? .... neither.

And.. the days turned great ... my moods became sooo good. I almost played Rock/pop or beat songs all the time. They made me wanna scream out at the bathroom. I mean, I love singing specially at that place while taking a bath. :)


I love taking a breakfast/lunch or dinner with some musics in my phones. Oops.. I mean with mp3's inside it.
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I Need a Break
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Saturday, October 23, 2010 { 3 comments }
School, Tests, Homeworks, Remedy, Books, Biology... etc. These things has succed to make me stressed out ! Okay.. I am nerd.. I mean, I love novels ! But yet.. I can't love school books as the same as novels. So, why are the authors of the school books won't write the subject material lesson with a long story end of love like in novels or comics..? Hahah.. LOL !

Wanna see my scores in the last mid semester test..?
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English Dialog
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Friday, October 22, 2010 { 2 comments }

Look at my english book! It's full of red marks! OMG~

Nope.. ! :p

My English Teacher.. I mean, Mr. Eko always uses red pen to give marks on our tasks. Hahah.. Even it is used for good or bad marks either.

And.. in this post.. I wanna share about a lil dialog in English ...of course I text it again based on my book...

Here It is..

Liel and PM sit on the bench in front of their class. It's a break time. Then, Vera come comes to join them.
Vera : Hi guys ! Do you have any plans for tomorrow's holliday..?
Liel : Well, I don't think so. How about you, PM..?
PM : Yeah.. maybe I'll just stay at home. Why..?
Vera : Umm.. I've got a plan for tomorrow. I'd like to hold my birthday party.
Liel : Really..? Tell me please. Then, I'll decide to come or not.
PM : That sounds great.
Liel : Maybe, we should invite Rie too.. It would be nice.
Vera: That's a good idea.
PM : Sure ! I'll telephone call her. Wait in a minute.
... ding.. dong.. ding.. dong...
PM : Hello Rie ! Where are you..?
Rie : I'm in the canteen. What's up..?
PM : I wanna tell you about Vera's sixteen birthday party. Would you come to join us..?
Rie : Yeah, sure ! I would join you all.
PM : Ok ! Bye...
PM : Well guys, she would come ! High-FIVE !! YEAH..!!

That's all. :)

And.. we ..I mean, this dialog is created by Rie, Vera, Liel, and me.. got some mistakes !
....Then, Vera comes ( It was just "come" with no "s" )....
...I'll call ( it was "telephone" ) her...Wait a minute..
And the others... :'(

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Cantik Vs Jelek
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Thursday, October 21, 2010 { 2 comments }

Kalau cewek cantik berbuat jahat,
cowok-cowok bilang: nobody’s perfect..
Tapi kalau cewek jelek yang berbuat jahat,
cowok-cowok bilang: muka ama kelakuan ga ada bedanya…

Kalau cewek cantik pendiam
cowok-cowok bilang: wow, melankolis banget…
Tapi kalau cewek jelek yang pendiam
cowok-cowok bilang: gagu kali nih orang…

Kalau cewek cantik jomblo
cowok-cowok bilang: pasti dia perfeksionis
Tapi kalau cewek jelek yang jomblo
cowok-cowok bilang: udah jelek, belagu…
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1st Award !
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON { 4 comments }

I got this Award from Sonia. And this is my 1st AWARD. Hahah.. thanks a lot~ ^___________^

Rules :
-Give to 10 other bloggers and follow the next rules

I wanna give this award to...
1. Rie
2. Vilda
3. Lina
4. Dewi
5. Mida
6. Kak Fany
7. Zhaza
8. Akbaryu
9. Annete Andiani

You must follow this rules if you want to take this award :)

ATURAN MAIN: Bagi siapa saja yang menerima award ini diharuskan untuk membagikan kembali award ini kepada sepuluh orang temannya. Selanjutnya, si penerima award harus meletakkan link-link berikut ini di blog atau artikel masing-masing

1. Dunianya✖Nina
2. Mirah Andi ♥ Big Bang is VIP
3. The Versatile Avenue
4. the waterFlow
5. babywiie
6. Esther Angela
7. Maria Lintang
8. Junebug
9. Xokyulatee Love

Sebelum teman-teman meletakkan link-link di atas, hapus terlebih dahulu peserta nomor 1 dari daftar. Sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level. Peserta no. 2 menjadi no.1, no.3 jadi 2, dst. Kemudian masukkan link Anda sendiri di bagian paling bawah (no.10). Tapi ingat...!!! kalian semua harus adil dalam menjalankannya. Jika tiap penerima award mampu memberikan award ini kepada 5 orang saja dan mereka semua mengerjakannya, maka jumlah backlink yang akan di dapat adalah:

Ketika posisi kamu 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jumlah backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jumlah backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jumlah backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jumlah backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jumlah backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jumlah backlink = 15,625
Posisi 3, jumlah backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jumlah backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jumlah backlink = 1,953,125

Dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci yang sobat inginkan. Dari sisi SEO (Search Engine Optimation) sobat sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 baclink dan keuntungannya, blog , sobat akan mendapat traffic tambahan apalagi jika ada yang mneg-klik link ke blog sobat. Jadi, jangan sia-siakan award ini ya sobat! :))

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Mr Bean the Avatar
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Wednesday, October 20, 2010 { 1 comments }
Ever imagine how if Mr Bean becomes an actor in Avatar The Movies...?

I found this funny pic at Google.com. It shows that Mr Bean grins in a face editted like avatar. All of his faces are blue. Hahah.. LOL. :D

Avatar the Movie

Honestly.. I haven't watched Avatar the movie. But surely I know that all of the actors are blue. So.. I wish I could see it someday.. 'cuz I'm still busy for school like extracurricular programs or Tests and Exams. I'm really busy ! I just wanna share this: I got an emergency for my Geography test.  :'(

Ugh.. forget about that! =,='

Here we GOOO..!! :D

LOL !!

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The Spongebob Akatsuki and His Friends
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Sunday, October 17, 2010 { 3 comments }
2nd Post of today !! :D
Have you imagine how if Spongebob and his friends become Akatsuki..? hmmm

Spongebob Squarepants Akatsuki

It look nice ! Isn't it..? haha... LOL >w<

Here's the others....

Spongebob Squarepants as Tobi, They are good boys

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WRITTEN BY -PM- ON { 1 comments }
Long time no post.. !
By the way... the mid-semester-test is over ! Yeah !!! Rock Lee yells

I guess..  the test days is like a hell for students like me. =='
and I've passed it. Now I'm still alive. hehehe...

I found these funny pictures. Hope you'll like it. ^^

Cat : Why are you watching me like THAT...? Have you bored to be alive..?
Mouse : Wha..?! I'm NOT watching YOU, but you're watching ME...!!


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It's About the Question
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Monday, October 11, 2010 { 0 comments }

I found a little funny question this morning. It was about Technology test.

As you know.. I had to face Middle Semester test in this week. i'm crying

Check this out !
What we have to do if the computer in a state hangs / crashes ....
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Friends - Best Friends
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Sunday, October 10, 2010 { 0 comments }

FRIENDS: Will comfort you when he rejects you.
BEST FRIENDS: Will go up and ask him, "It's because you're gay, isn't it?"

FRIENDS: Will be there for you when he breaks up with you.
BEST FRIENDS: Will call him up and whisper, "Seven days..."
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Love Sunday
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON { 2 comments }

I LOVE SUNDAY !! i'm yelling
The reason is : I can do what I want at my lovely home. But actually.. it's a tragic you know. Tomorrow I'll face Physics exam. Oh GOD ! Don't remind me about it... 'cuz I really wanna have fun..!! even for a very-little-time...Read More

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The Rain
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Saturday, October 09, 2010 { 2 comments }

It's raining right now..
Do you know what..?
It's really cold ! OMG~ I'm NOT lying... http://www.emocutez.com

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Apa Itu Cinta
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Friday, October 08, 2010 { 0 comments }

Cinta adalah tunas pesona jiwa, dan jika tunas ini tak tercipta dalam sesaat, ia takkan tercipta bertahun-tahun atau bahkan abad.
I gotta take a little time
A little time to think things over
I better read between the lines
In case I need it when Im older
Ketika cinta memanggil mu, maka dekatilah dia walau jalannya terjal berliku. Jika cinta memeluk mu maka dekap ia walau pedang di sela-sela sayapnya melukai mu.
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2AM - I was Wrong
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Wednesday, October 06, 2010 { 0 comments }
Aku suka lagunya 2AM yang ini a.k.a I Was Wrong. Apalagi baju seragam ceweknya : jas hitam plus rok kotak-kotak. Serasa kaya film anime di dunia nyata. Jadi iri... haha... P.S. Baju seragam sekolahku didominasi warna putih..
Alasan Kenapa aku suka 2AM
'cuz nama nya mirip sama namaku. Alias nama waktu siang dan malam dalam bahasa Inggris... he he he... 2AM-PM :D
Sama kayak lagunya Bigbang - With U, 2AM - I Was Wrong ini juga dikenalin ke aku lewat ChannelV. Trus MV nya bercerita tentang 4 anggota 2AM yang mencintai satu cewek yang pake rok kotak-kotak tadi. Jadinya saling cari perhatian ke cewek itu. Dan............... aku pingin gantiin cewek itu.. Sumpah !!  Beruntung banget pastinya direbutin 4 cowok sekaligus... ganteng lagi.. ! >_<

Oke langsung aja ya... ini dia MV nya... copaz - copy paste dari Youtube.com he he he

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Bigbang - With U
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Monday, October 04, 2010 { 0 comments }
Aku paling suka sama lagu BIGBANG - With U. OMG~ lagunya keren banget....!! Sumpah...!! Apalagi MV-nya... reaksiku: WOW...!! 

Info ini aku dapetnya dari ChannelV. Channel nya orang Taiwan. Promosi Mode... He..he..he... Yaah, walau nggak ngerti tulisan mandarin yang ada di layar 'cuz aku baca judulnya aja yang BIGBANG - With U ..cuman tulisan itu aja yang pake alfabet. 

Oke aku ceritain aja ya... Opening MV-nya ada model cewek cantik sama mobil yang amazing.... keren abis !! Warnanya hitam mengkilat. Pingin..!! ceweknya kubuang aja... jujur.. aku iri sama bodinya yang seksi itu.... huaa..!

Dan pas aku dengerin lagunya... eh liriknya pake english murni.. ! Makin cinta aja sama ini lagu... Huehehe.. >w<

Check it out..!
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Kakak Senior di Perpustakaan
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Sunday, October 03, 2010 { 0 comments }
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Pagi itu... seusai bel istirahat berdering.. aku melihatnya. Duduk diam di antara bangku-bangku perpustakaan. Membaca koran, kurasa. Terlalu sibuk untuk diganggu. Bahkan ia tak menoleh saat kulihat ia cukup lama ...
All I wanted was you...
All I wanted was you...
Hanya limabelas menit istirahat. Aku terburu-buru meminjam buku yang bahkan aku tak tahu tentang apa... 24 Wajah Billy, covernya bagus tapi halamannya tebal.. Ugh.. Semoga aku kuat membacanya...

Bel masuk berdering... aku pergi meninggalkan perpustakaan. Tapi ia tak menyadarinya. Kulihat sekilas, ia berdiri diantara rak-rak buku. Oh.. Bahkan aku tak tahu siapa namanya.. !

All I ever think about is you...
You got me hypnotized...
So mesmerized...

Pagi yang sama 3 hari setelahnya. Yang kumaksud disini tentu saja adalah istirahatnya. Ya.. aku rela untuk tidak makan di kantin karena aku harus mengembalikan buku yang kupinjam. Tapi.. sebenarnya belum sempat aku selesai membacanya. Ulangan bergantian dan PR semakin hari semakin menumpuk. Kuputuskan untuk memperpanjang sewa saja. Untunglah sewa-menyewa buku di perpus ini gratis.
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Evanescence - Hello Lyrics
WRITTEN BY -PM- ON Saturday, October 02, 2010 { 0 comments }
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Whoah, Most days, I'd like to play some slow songs in my phone's mp3. Evanescence... They had a good piano sounds. Amy Lee as the singer is a great vocalist ! I wonder... why I'm too late to know that their songs are great too....?
Evanescence - Hello
Playground school bell rings again
Rain clouds come to play again
Has no one told you she's not breathing?
Hello I'm your mind giving you someone to talk to

If I smile and don't believe
Soon I know I'll wake from this dream
Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken
Hello I am the lie living for you so you can hide
Don't cry

Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping
Hello I'm still here
All that's left of yesterday
Wanna Play..? Click ME !

 Playlist of my fav songs at the moment below : I think they are slow songs....

Evanescence - Hello
- Bring Me to Life
- Haunted
- Taking Over Me

Paramore - All I wanted
- The Only Exception
- Franklin
- We Are Broken
- Let This Go
- My Heart
- Turn It Off
- When It Rains

Enya - Only Time

Aoi Tada - Brave ( Angel Beats OST - Ending )

I don't know why I love slow songs...


Source: Google Pics

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